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Welcome to the farm

Our Values

Promote The Good

We believe in encouraging something's innate goodness. No matter the subject, we believe all things have special gifts. It is our mission to help promote all that goodness.

Collaborate with Nature

As humans, we are nature. We believe in a partnership with the earth and all her inhabitants- a partnership that will benefit all of life.


We believe in taking charge of our own wellbeing and helping others to do the same. We value community and sharing our knowledge and hearts with others.

Meet The Team

The Crew

Together, Josh & Kelby live a purpose driven life with their two sidekicks, Dusty and Dolly. Kelby enjoys being with plants & animals, playing with herbs, & practicing yoga. Kelby has spent the majority of her life exploring health & wellness. Josh enjoys growing food, building things, and filling people's bellies with delicious food. When he's not working on the farm, he works as a general contractor.

The Property

The farm is located about 10 miles outside of Bend. The land had been conventionally farmed then neglected before we arrived. We are working to bring back a healthy habitat for plants & animals to enjoy. The property consists of 30 acres, some of which houses native rabbitbrush & juniper. We utilize 5 acres to graze animals and grow food. We are excited to see what the future holds as we evolve.

About our products

Farm Goods

 Our herbal products are made in small batches, with high quality ingredients. Plants from the farm are grown sustainably, using permaculture principles. We do not use any pesticides, herbicides, etc. Other product ingredients like fat, oil, and alcohol are either organically raised or sustainably grown. We use whole plant infusions instead of essential oils. See each item description for detailed ingredient list!


We use a print-on-demand service to fulfill orders for the farm t-shirts, cards and bags that you’ll find in our shop. This means that each product is printed as orders are made. Print-on-demand items are shipped from a separate warehouse, so will be shipped separately from any herbal products. Check out our shop to find different products with your favorite farm friends!

"Get in your kitchens, buy unprocessed foods, turn off the tv, and prepare your own meals...

This is liberating."

-Joel Salatin